Fundraising And Charity News


Fundraising And Charity News

​At Blackstone Recruitment we strive to increase our charity engagement every year and our teams are encouraged to support the causes they feel strongly about. πŸ‘

We’re proud of the positive changes our people make, both through their work here at Blackstone Recruitment and in their charitable activities.

​We wanted to start 2023 off right so we got to work straight away! 😊



January 2023 Blackstone Charity News

Collectively we decided that we wanted to help women in developing countries that are independently setting up businesses in order to cover healthcare costs.



β˜› We sponsored Rosa Ethelvina from Ecuador to help her set up her natural medicines business.

Rosa had to sell her clothing business in order to reclaim the health of her son. Now Rosa seeks to move forward through the sale of alternative, natural medicines. For that reason, we are sponsoring her to acquire merchandise to sell in her natural products store.



β˜› ​We also sponsored Xiomara Marisol from El Salvador to help her continue to fund the resources for her tortilla business.

This will allow her to buy firewood, corn and propane gas in order to have everything she needs at her reach to continue with her business selling tortillas.



β˜› Finally, we sponsored Abra Olivia from Togo to help her to buy Yams in bulk for her produce business.

With two dependent children, Abra Olivia wants to improve her standard of living by increasing the profit of her business.



​Author = Jasmine Ahern​



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